Over 60 types of gloves
For all kinds of gardening
Dispatched in 2-3 days
Delivering UK-wide
Over 14 years of trading
We are glove experts
Cookies are small text files containing a string of characters that can be placed on your computer or mobile device that uniquely identify your browser or device.
Cookies allow a site or services to know if your computer or device has visited that site or service before. Cookies can then be used to help understand how the site or service is being used, help you navigate between pages efficiently, help remember your preferences, and generally improve your browsing experience. Cookies can also help ensure marketing you see online is more relevant to you and your interests.
There are generally four categories of cookies: “Strictly Necessary,” “Performance,” “Functionality,” and “Targeting.” Our business routinely uses all four categories of cookies on the Service. You can find out more about each cookie category below.
The length of time a cookie will stay on your computer or mobile device depends on whether it is a “persistent” or “session” cookie. Session cookies will only stay on your device until you stop browsing. Persistent cookies stay on your computer or mobile device until they expire or are deleted.
First-party cookies are cookies that belong to our business, third-party cookies are cookies that another party places on your device through our Service. Third-party cookies may be placed on your device by someone providing a service for our business, for example to help us understand how our service is being used. Third-party cookies may also be placed on your device by our business partners so that they can use them to advertise products and services to you elsewhere on the Internet.
If you want to delete cookies follow the instructions at http://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser%27s-Cookies. If you wish to disable your browser from receiving cookies follow the instructions at http://www.wikihow.com/Disable-Cookies. Note that if you set your browser to disable cookies, you may not be able to access certain parts of our Service and other parts of our Service may not work properly. You can find out more information cookie settings at third-party information sites, such as www.allaboutcookies.org.
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